Monday, March 30, 2020


My last blog post dealt with the Rapture.  The word itself has people up in arms.  And well they should be.  Raised as high as they can!!  Now, let's take things a little deeper, should we?  What does prophesy say?

A recent article in the Washington Post posed this picture:

"Chuck Pierce's son was concerned, like a lot of other people looking out on a world of ransacked grocery stores and canceled sports seasons and eerie lines of people standing six feet apart from one another.  So he asked his dad:  'Is this the end of the world?'

That's a question you can ask when you have a dad who calls himself an apostolic prophet and leads a prophetic ministry.  'No', said the elder Pierce, who is based in Corinth, Texas. 'The Lord's shown me through 2026, so I know this isn't the end of time."

That would lead me to the biggest question there is.  Why?  And then a few more. Why do you think or know that, Mr. Pierce?  Why 2026?  Frankly, I'm not in that camp.  I believe we are much closer than that.  MUCH.  For several years now, my wife and I have been faithful listeners of J.D. Farag.  Farag is pastor of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe in Hawaii.  For over 14 years now, he has been giving weekly prophesy updates.  His most recent You Tube message from Sunday, I believe, nails it.  Take 30 minutes and watch and let it sink in.  Farag mentions, he'd rather overstate and be wrong, than understate and be right.  In not sounding the alarm, it could mean thousands of people, maybe hundreds of  thousands wouldn't be awake.  But most importantly, BE READY.


But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man"-Luke 21:36

I'm going to rest in that.  Why not join me?  Are you READY?



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