The biggest question in their suggestions should be, "where does your wisdom come from?" If it's from an educated position, theory, model or a gut feeling we'd best run the other way. Where should our answers come from? There is only one place. It's called the Bible. It's here where we've been told what's in store....and it's called Prophecy. Inspired declaration of what's to come.
Here is one thing that's for certain. Things will never be like they were before this coronavirus hysteria. Don't expect a new normal. There will be no such thing as normal. This is not a time to hide in the sheets and hope things will go away. They won't. YOU and I need to wake up...and rely more than ever on JESUS CHRIST. If we don't we'll be deceived. Evil is working feverishly. It's that old axiom. Strike now while the iron is hot. That's where Satan is operating from today. So, how do we combat that? Ask, ask and ask again for Ears to Hear and Eyes to See. We're going to need both senses as acute as they've ever been.
Pastor Ernest Amstalden, from Victory Christian Fellowship Church in Jewell, Iowa offers some great insights on the art of deception. "The first thing that goes is truth", he offered. And the Pastor suggests that when people are "under attack, like this virus thing, people become scared and do things they wouldn't normally do. Just where Satan wants us. He wants of his biggest disguises. We need to see clearly. Almstalden's following words provided just that.
"We live in an electronic concentration camp. Call it what you will. The meaning is the same; in our quest for less personal responsibility, a sense of greater security and no burdensome obligations to each other or to future generations, we have created a society in which we have no true freedom."
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Will you be Deceived? |
Almstaden suggests we can look to 2 Corinthians 6-10 for a wing dinger of wisdom.
"6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as your were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. 9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority."
In the coming days, weeks and months you'll see businesses shuttering their windows and doors. People will see their jobs being phased out and unemployment will be long-term and not a small stoppage in monies. Our political will be more combative, if that's possible. Churches will fall to wayside. A vaccine will be offered for the coronavirus despite being only 40-60% effective but in
essence will provide the microchipping IT heads and some medical groups have clamored for. And let's not forget a one world government will be talked about as the saving face to our world. Far-fetched? Take a look back what the world was like several months ago. We are closer now than we've ever been before in seeing the return of Jesus Christ. If you don't believe me, check Prophecy.
Which leads me to a comment from JD Farag, Pastor of Calvary Chapel Kaneoh in Hawaii when asked by a member of his congregation who was fearful of end times and what will take place on earth. "I'm afraid", he said. Farag was straight forward in his response. "Don't be. Because you and I won't be here".
And that's not Deception. Rest in that.
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