Friday, May 6, 2011


I drove by the sign on Highway 141 west of the Wooward, Iowa exit  for the second time in my life, at least that's what I recall.  It's not a very big billboard, if that's what you want to call it....and it's about as simple as there is.  The letters stick out on the white background, but oh, how they make their point.  "Prayer Changes Everything" is the message.  Short, simple and right to the point. 

A Powerful Message
This second viewing caught my eye Wednesday as I made my way to Manning for the funeral of Staff Sgt. James Justice.  I had a number of thoughts going through my head as I driving westward, but the sign changed it all.  Not only did I forget what was on my mind.....I started thinking about the Justice family and the support and  prayers they needed.  So I prayed.  Did that change the fact that I was headed to a  But I think it played a large part in the 2,000 plus people that showed up.  I'm sure there were others praying for that same result. 

Which leads me to THE PRAYER VIGIL.  I've talked about a prayer vigil for several weeks now. Quite frankly, there have been some disappointing times as I've tried to rattle the bushes and make people aware of the need.  And then there have been the victorious times where people have offered encouragement or support.  Through the highs and lows, I've received an education that helps put frustration into its proper perspective. Have you ever heard the phrase, "I'm a slow learner?"  Living proof...I am.   Where I'd like everyone to support this vigil or attend, it's just not going to happen.  God will direct those that he wants to help in the event's success and those that he wants to show up.  No more and no less.  I'm only helping deliver that message.  So here goes with the details to date.

Location:  West Side of the Iowa Capitol in Des Moines, Iowa
Date:        May 15th, 2011
Time:       2:00 p.m.       

You might be asking yourself, why should this prayer vigil matter to me?'s not just for the safety of our soldiers in their "countdown" days, it's for the deployed families who are struggling with a myriad of emotions.  Let me put it way.  Last summer when the 2,800 troops deployed there were tears and much more.  That lasted for some time.  Then a numbness emerged where acceptance of the mission became more real.  But now, its back to the emotional stage.  Phone calls and door bell rings are taking on a different set of tones.  Should I answer that?  Does it carry bad news?  Let's pray not.    

May 15th is also a day where you can individually learn how to pray specifically for our troops....and what to pray for in regards to the end of deployment and family concerns.  It's also about taking the messages heard on May 15th and returning to the communities around our state.  Some just need direction.  I think you'll see that in evidence a week from Sunday. 

Next week, I will be placing a link to a 24/7 calendar on the MFV blog where you can register for a one-hour block of time to pray specifically for our troops/families.  No matter your situation (short/tall/old/young/disabled) you can pray and hold yourself accountable by reserving a time slot.  Our hopes are to extend that through July 4th.....and maybe beyond, if the need is there.  Visitors from over 60 countries have come to "My Father's Voice".  We want you to pray as well.  Your reasons for coming to the blog and praying might be overwhelming in itself.    

So you see, the event on the 15th is only one little part of the whole picture.  All I know is....the Holy Spirit is moving and he is asking us for PRAYER like we've never seen before.  Does Prayer Change Everything?  Come next Sunday and find out.




  1. Thank you for persevering in prayer and action.
    Will be covering you all in prayer on Sunday; praying for our military and military families. We are linked together through Him and we unite even though some may not be there physically. God moves on hearts and in life. Very excited about the soon to come 24/7 prayer calendar. Thank you one and all for helping to make that happen. Blessings in the name of our Lord.

  2. No Thank YOU!!! It is people like you that keep me going...your words of encouragement are uplifting to say the least. May the Holy Spirit continue to move mightily for the prayer calendar, vigil and for the continous prayer for our troops.
