Wednesday, November 20, 2019


I've been mentioning for several weeks now that we're in the midst of some big, actually bigger than big, more like humungous events taking place.   Just today, we raised our heads off the pillow to the following news report from the Washington Post.

JERUSALEM — The Israeli army said it attacked military targets in Syria overnight Wednesday following a missile launch into Israel the previous day.  An independent war monitoring group said 11 were killed, mostly non-Syrians, raising the specter of retaliatory strikes between the regional rivals. The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement it had struck dozens of targets belonging to Iran’s elite Quds Force as well as the Syrian army, including surface-to-air missile sites, headquarters, munitions warehouses and military bases. Israel said the strikes were in response to four reportedly Syrian-based missiles launched into northern Israel early Tuesday, which were downed by Israel’s air defense systems. Officials said Iran was behind that launch.

“I made it clear that whoever hurt us — we will hurt him,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet. “This is what we did tonight against military targets of Iranian Quds force and Syrian military targets in Syria.”
So.  What should we do?  Most of us will continue to go on with our lives with little or no concern on the event.  And that's sad.   The wise thing to do, is to get on your knees and ask God for wisdom, direction and understanding.  He will provide a course.  I'm certain of that.  If you're reading this and don't have a relationship with God....I would suggest you do right away. 

JD Faraq, Pastor of Calvary Chapel in Kaneohe, Hawaii offers a very simple approach.  It's way beyond easy.  Check it out below and make the commitment. 

A- Admit you're a sinner in need of the Saviour- Romans 3:10, 3:23, 6:23

B-  Believe in your heart Jesus is Lord- Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and rose again in paying in full our death penalty for your sin. -Romans 10:9-10

C- Call upon the name if the Lord-  Confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe, and are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. -Romans 10:9-10, 10:13

Simple as you can get  

If you've taken note and read the ABC's with a thought that you want change in your life, then the next likely question would be, "what's next?"

First off, now that you are willing to let the light from Jesus' word and from His life shine over your own life....realize that a conversion has taken place.  You need to get rid of the old baggage that you've been holding on to for far too long.  Dig into the Bible.  All your answers are there.  Check out Revelations for what's in store.  If you have questions, ask someone you trust that is keen to God's teaching or hit Google for some opinions on the matter.  Be thankful that you've made this choice.  And with Thanksgiving Day right around the corner, I couldn't think of anything better.



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